Remote Services – MDP

Remote Services - mercie's day program

Due to the current healthcare climate, in-person service is unavailable. We will resume in-person service as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience. 

However, Mercie’s Day Program continues to provide remote services such as supply delivery (PPE, activities, etc.), ZOOM meetings, phone counseling, and Custom Online Resources for our consumers.

We miss you all and can’t wait to see you again soon! Please let us know how we may be of assistance. 

Gerald deClaro
Gerald deClaro

H.R. Manager for Mercie's Inc. / Site Administrator for Mercie's Day Program.

24 Responses to “Remote Services – MDP”

  1. Salvador Orozco Salvador Orozco

    This is Salvador Orozco but it says I’m logged in as Jeremy Cua.

    • Gerald deClaro Gerald deClaro

      Yes Linda. I just verified that you are registered.

  2. Heather Byers Heather Byers

    I’m registered but can’t find where to clock in or do the forms

    • Gerald deClaro Gerald deClaro

      Hi Heather. After you register, you will have access to the Staff Portal. The link should be in the Site Menu. That is where the Clock-in and forms are located.

  3. Lisette Torres Lisette Torres

    im in but I can’t figure out how to clock in

    • Gerald deClaro Gerald deClaro

      Once you have registered, you should have access to the Staff Portal page. That is where the Clock-in form is located. Please let me know if you experience any more issues.

  4. Steven Hernandez Steven Hernandez

    I click staff portal but don’t see where to clock in

    • Gerald deClaro Gerald deClaro

      When you log in to the Staff Portal the clock-in form should be the first thing you see. Try refreshing the page and hopefully it will show. Let us know if you still can’t see it.

      • Steven Hernandez Steven Hernandez

        I found it like 20 mins later, but now I don’t see where we find the assignment we’re supposed to do

  5. Jeremy Cua Jeremy Cua

    Gerald, I’m trying to add a profile pic but the buttons lead to nothing.


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